HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, the seventh and final adventure in the harry potter film series, is a much anticipates motion picture event to be told in two length parts.

part 1 begins as Harry, Ron, and hermione set out on their perilous mission to track down and destroy the secret to voldemort's immortality and destruction the Horcruxes. On their own, without the guidabce of their professors or the protection of professor Dumbledore, the three friends must now rely on one another more than ever. But there are Dark Forces in their midst that threaten to tear them apart.

Meanwhile, the wizarding world has become a dangerous palce for all enemies of the Dark Lord. The long feared war has begun and Voldemort's Death Eaters seize control of the Ministry of Mgic and even Hogwarts, terrorizing and arresting anyone who might oppose them. But the one prize they still seek is the one most valuable to Voldemort...alive. Harry's only hope is to find the horcruxes before Voldemorts find him. But as he searches for clues, he uncovers an old and almost forgotten tale the legend of the Deathly Hallows. And if the legend turns out to be true, it could give Voldemort the ultimate power he seeks.

Little does Harry know that his future has already been decided by his past when, on that fateful day, he became "the Boy Who Live" No longer just a boy, Harry Potter is drawing ever closer to the task for which he has been preparing since the day he first stepped into Hogwarts: the ultimate battle with Voldemort.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is directed by David Yates, who also helmed the blockbusters Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. David Heyman the producer of all of the Harry Potter film, produced the film, together with David Barron. Screenwriter Steve Kloves adapted the screenplay based on the book by J.K. Rowling. Lionel Wigram is the executive producer.

Heading the cast, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson reprise their roles as Harry Potter, Ron Weasly, and Hermione Granger.

The film's ensemble cast also includes Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Tom Feltom, Ralph Fiennes, Brendan Gleeson, Richard Griffiths, John Hurt, Jason Isaacs, Helen McCroy, Bill Nighy, Miranda Richardson, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Timothy spall, Imelda Staunton, Davis Thewlis, Julie Walters and Bonnie Wright.

Warner Bros. Pictures presents a Heydey Films production, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which marks the latest installment in the most successful film franchise of all time. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part 1 will be released worldwide starting November 19, 2010, and Part 2 starting July 15, 2011


Get ready to be put under their spell, because this last installment of our favorite wizard surely will fascinated you!

The Split Ends

Are you ready? Yup, Harry Potter and The Deatly Hallows part 1
will be released this month, exactly 19 november 2010. Why "part 1"? because, films for the last harry potter book is going to be divided into two parts. Decision to separate the end of the story harry potter came from Warner Bros Executive, Alan F. Horn. It is intended that the audience can enjoy the Harry Potter with a longer period of time. In addition, the decision was also at the same time as the celebration of the success of the Harry Potter film series. Anyway, in this movie Harry, Ron and Hermione had started to do a search Horcrux according to the instructions already given by Dumbledore. but, with the rise of Voldemort, it is becoming difficult. any problems arose, ranging from being hunted by the Death Eater, lived nomadic, disguised in the Ministry of Magic, until the friendship that is almost broken. But, Harry and his friends, still don't give up. Besides that he also must accept the death of several close friends in these searches. In this first part, this film will end when Voldemort took Dumbledore's wand from his tomb which is a sign of magic's greatest battle will occur. If you're curious enough, wathc in 3D!


Jamie Campbell Bower as Gellert Grindelwald
Warwick Davis as Griphook
Rade Serbedzija as Gregorovitch
Toby Regbo as Young Dumbledore
David O'Hara as Albert Runcorn
George Harris as Kingsley Shacklebolt
Nick Moran as Scabior
David Ryall as Elphias Doge
Matyelok Gibbs as Aunt Muriel
Kate Fleetwood as Mary Cattermole
Steffan Rhodri as Reg Cattermole
Hazel Douglas as Bathilda Bagshot


This is it, some interesting trivia that will make you AMAZED!

The palyer of Bill Weasly, Domhnall Gleeson was the son of Brendan Gleeson, who plays Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody.

In the first harry potter movie, although the character played by Overne Griphook Troyer, who was filling his voice is Warwick Davis. fortunate, in this film Griphook Davis will play in both body and voice. He also will play Professor Flitwick as he had done in 6 Harry Potter movie.

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (part 1 and 2) is the only harry potter movie that was released in the form of full 3D in movie theaters.

Although Emma Thompson has said that will not be back in the seventh Harry Potter series, but instead she tells that already finished shooting the film and serves as Professor Trewlaney.

Hoping to become a young Riddle, Jamie Campbell Bower plays Gellert Grindelwald trusted even when the adolescents in this seventh Harry Potter.

FYI, in the last series we can't see the appearance of Jamie Waylett (Vincent Crabbe), because he was arrested and is associated with drugs

Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) was not originally planned to return in this film that had imprisoned for his role in the fifth series. but, after his meeting with JK Rowling, her character was then decided to re-emerge in the seventh movie, The Deathly Hallows.

Kate Winslet was offered to play Helena Ravenclaw, but his agent later canceled.

Legendary Composer, John Williams, who worked on the first three Harry Potter series again invited to make the scoring of The Deathly Hallows.

Deathly Hallows Featurette


Let's Play With Spell

(Age-Line Spell


Description: Creates a line that is impassable by people below a set age.

Seen/Mentioned: Used by Albus Dumbledore to stop underage students from entering their names into the Goblet of Fire.

Notes: The Age-Line is impassable even by users of age-potions (proven by Fred and George Weasley). Thus, it functions on either calendar or mental age, not physical age.


Pronunciation: AH-gwa-MEN-tee

Description: Produces a jet of water from the tip of a wand.

Seen/Mentioned: Used by Fleur Delacour in 1994 to put out her skirt, which had caught fire during her challenge against a dragon. Harry used it twice in 1997: Once in an attempt to give Dumbledore a drink in theHorcrux cave, and again to douse Hagrid's hut after it was set on fire by Thorfinn Rowle using the spellIncendio.

Etymology: Possibly an extension of Spanish words agua(aqua) ("water") and mente ("mind").

Alarte Ascenda

Pronunciation: A-LEHRT-tey ah-SEN-deh-rey

Description: Shoots an object or creature into the air

Seen/Mentioned: Used by Gilderoy Lockhart at the Duelling Club in themovie version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Etymology: Ascendare is a Latin verb meaning 'to climb' or 'to ascend'.

(Albus Dumbledore's spell)

Description:This spell was told to be very very powerful since when Dumbledore casts this spell, Voldemort can't bear the power of it so he conjures a silver shield to deflect it. When the spell hits the shield, 'a deep, gong-like note reverberated from it-an oddly chilling sound'.

Seen/Mentioned: This spell was seen once used by Dumbledore in the Ministry of Magic, during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries on 17 June, 1996, while he duels with Voldemort.


Pronunciation: al-lu-ha-MOR-ah or aluh-huh-MORA

Description: Used to open and unlock doors. It is not effective on doors bewitched to resist this spell. The spell can also unseal doors upon which the Colloportus spell has been cast.

Seen/Mentioned: Used by Hermione Granger in 1991 on the forbidden Third Floor Corridor door at Hogwarts.

Etymology: Alohomora is derived from the West African Sidiki dialect used in geomancy meaning: Friendly to thieves as stated by J.K. Rowling in testimony during the WB and JKR vs. RDR Books.

Notes: In the books, when Alohomora is used, the lock/door must be tapped three times.


Description: Causes the user to magically teleport from one place to another. It is imprecise over long distances. A license is needed to perform on one's own at the age of 17. If done incorrectly, the user cansplinch themselves, causing a part of their body to be separated and left behind.

Seen/Mentioned: Used throughout the series. Harry and his classmates took Apparition Class in 1997.

Notes: No incantation, Hand Movement: Turn on the spot while remembering the 3 Ds, which stand for destination, determination and deliberation.

Arania Exumai

Pronunciation: ah-rahn-ee-a eks-su-may

Description: The Spider-killing Curse is a spell used to kill or, at least, blast back Acromantulas or other large spider species.

Seen/Mentioned: Harry uses this in the Forbidden Forest against the attacking Acromantulas in the film version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. He learned this from Tom Marvolo Riddle, who attempted to use it against Aragog in the memory Harry visits.

Etymology: From the Latin aranea, meaning “spider”, and exuo, meaning “I lay aside”.


Pronunciation: Ah-SEN-DI-oh
Description: Lifts the caster high into the air.
Seen/Mentioned: Used by Harry Potter in the Second Task to lift him to the surface of the water in the movie version of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Etymology: Coming from latin ascendo, meaning "to climb".

Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse)

Pronunciation: ah-VAH-dah keh-DAV-rah (IPA: /ə.'væ.də kə.'dæv.ɹə/
Description: Causes a bright green flash and a rushing noise; the curse causes instant death to the victim. There is no known counter-curse or blocking spell (with the exception of the curse striking another spell midflight, negating both), although the caster can be interrupted, the victim can dodge the green jet, hide behind solid objects (which burst into flame when hit by it), or, if the casting wizard is not sufficiently competent, the curse may be completely ineffective as described byBarty Crouch Jr. (acting as Alastor Moody) in Goblet of Fire. Harry twice countered this spell by casting Expelliarmus. It is one of the threeUnforgivable Curses; the use of this spell on another human being gives you a one-way ticket to Azkaban.
The magical conditions have also been documented to defeat the curse, even on a direct hit:

  • Harry Potter was given magical protection against Lord Voldemort's use of the curse, when his mother sacrificed herself to save him.
  • Harry is the only person in the history of the magical world to have ever survived a direct hit to the killing curse.
  • Harry is saved by the twin cores effect between his wand and Voldemort's during a duel, as well as during a battle. During this battle, Harry's phoenix feather wand snaps the wand Voldemort borrowed from one of his servants, Lucius Malfoy. The reason for this is unknown. Dumbledore believes this feat to be due to the unique connections and relationships between the two duellists, which are complex and are "realms of magic hitherto unknown".
  • In Deathly Hallows, Harry is saved twice. The 1st time because when Voldemort tried to kill Harry as a baby, a piece of Voldemort's soul flaked off and was trapped within Harry himself (giving Harry a connection to, and many of the powers of, Voldemort). When the killing curse hit Harry in the Forbidden Forest, it killed the piece of Voldemort's soul trapped in Harry, and sent Harry to a nether region where Voldemort's use of Harry's blood gave Harry a lifeline back to the world of the living, should he choose to use it, and he decided to return to life. The second time, Harry was able to deflect the curse back at Voldemort (who died from it) because of a special condition involving the Elder Wand. This had been 'won' by Draco when he disarmed Dumbledore of his wand, but none understood this at the time, and Draco did not use the Elder Wand. Harry had won Draco's wand in a life-or-death duel, thereby proving to the Elder Wand that Harry should be the wand's true master. Therefore, when Harry used Draco's wand to cast Expelliarmus against Voldemort's Killing Curse, the killing curse rebounded on Voldemort leaving Harry unharmed and killing Voldemort once and for all.
Suggested Etymology: During an audience interview at the Edinburgh Book Festival (15 April 2004) Rowling said: "Does anyone know where avada kedavra came from? It is an ancient spell in Aramaic, and it is the original of abracadabra, which means 'let the thing be destroyed.' Originally, it was used to cure illness and the 'thing' was the illness, but I decided to make it the 'thing' as in the person standing in front of me. I take a lot of liberties with things like that. I twist them round and make them mine.

 First said (not by name) at the beginning of the first book when Harry arrives at the Dursley's home. First seen in The Philosopher's Stone, during the flashback while Hagrid described Harry's parent's deaths, Voldemort is seen killing Lily Evans. Next in Goblet of Fire against Muggle Frank Bryce, and in every book following. It is noted that while Harry has used every other Unforgivable Curse successfully he has never used the Killing Curse.


Pronunciation: bom-bar-dah
Description: Causes a small explosion. 
Seen/Mentioned: Hermione used this spell to free Sirius Black from his cage in the film version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. A stronger version of this spell, Bombarda Maxima, is performed by Dolores Umbridge to force her way into the Room of Requirement in the film version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Notes: Both the regular and Maxima versions of this spell only appear in the films. Brackium Emendo
Pronunciation: br-ah-kee-um e-men-do
Description: If used correctly, Gilderoy Lockhart claims it will heal a broken bone. 
Seen/Mentioned: Used unsuccessfully by Gilderoy Lockhart on Harry Potter in the film version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(instead of healing the bone it vanished all the bones in Harry's arm, leaving it not unlike rubber).
Etymology: From the Latin “bracchium”, meaning “forearm”, and “emendo”, meaning “I improve”.

(Bubble-Head Charm) 

      Pronunciation: Unknown
Description: Puts a large bubble of air around the head of the user. Used as a magical equivalent of a breathing set.
Seen/Mentioned: Cedric Diggory and Fleur Delacour used this underwater in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament in 1995. It was also used by many Hogwarts students when walking through the hallways in 1996, because of the bad smells caused by the various pranks played onDolores Umbridge.

Cistem Aperio

      Pronunciation:: SIS-tem uh-PE-ree-o
      Description: It opens a chest.

Etymology: aperio is Latin for open, uncover, to uncover, lay bare, reveal, or make clear. Cista is Latin for trunk, or chest. If so, however,Cistem is likely a form of bastard Latin. Furthermore, if cista is its root, then it would be pronounced with a hard c (ca)
Seen/Mentioned: It was used by Tom Riddle to open the chest where Aragog was hidden.

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